Minority Development Center
A Taluka level center with trained staff, equipped with computer for the convenience of needy persons in different areas, ....
Hon. Mr. Jakir Shikalgar is an Electronic Engineer & Initiator of social movement. He is working as social worker since last 20+ years. It was always in his mind that all NGOs should come on one platform where all NGOs can share Knowledge, follow good practical & successful concepts of various NGOs. In his president ship MMNF made rigorous efforts to connect 31 districts of the state. He created a vast knowledge Bank via a team of Experts
Maharashtra Minority NGO Forum's story is linked with Jakir Shikalgar's life story and his engagement with social work. It all began in Sept. 2018 when he was doing his social work on individual level. He understood that if we really wish to work on revolutionary level, we all need to come together on a common point basis. He formed various WhatsApp groups and started sharing the issues untouched by our NGOs; not only he just posted issues but also tried to give better solutions. This lead him to form a Forum viz; MMNF. Within a short span, it spread throughout the state. This brainchild idea of creating a Forum connected more than 300 NGOS from 31 Districts of Maharashtra State. Alhamdulillah MMNF is now a recognized state wise organization which is dedicated and devoted to work for the betterment of the community through its various projects viz; Minority Development Centre (MDC). Community Development Centre (CDC), Centre for Social & Educational Research, Human Rights & Legal issues, Business Paramedical & Skill Development, Women Development Centre (WDC) & Finance Development Centre (FDC) Through all these projects. MMNF is committed to connect and co-relate all NGOS from all corners of the state to empower them & to empower the community at large. MMNF creates a state level federation of Minority NGO’s, as well as create a bunch of expert persons, which called as Knowledge Tank with the help of Knowledge tank, MMNF always trying to give solutions to community in education, health, Industry, business, skills, legal, financial etc. to up-liftment of community in all manner.
A Taluka level center with trained staff, equipped with computer for the convenience of needy persons in different areas, ....
A mohalla or mosque based center such as the CDC can survey each Muslim household. We can follow the model of Masjid-e-Nabwi.....
Establishment of centre to conduct survey of Community for different requirements. Relevant data will be stored on ....
Centre will coordinate with government department and MDC/CDC. As per government norms, centre can train ....
ACE will guide the students who are in need of career guidance after completing their formal education. MMNF will ....
With an aim to provide legal aid to the neady or financially weak sections Centre will establish a human right and ....
Lack of skills amongst graduates create unemployability. To tackle this problem, skills developments will provide ....
Lack of education, brings huge loss to our community. We have to establish quality based educational institutions with ....
Muslims have low proportion in government jobs. More than 60% unskilled persons are working in unorganised sector we ....
Rising health care issues are being observed in community. Poor health and lack of healthcare resulting in overcrowded ....
This centre will empower community's women by providing them skill education, training. entrepreneurship development ....
Due to poor financial condition and lack of awareness of different financial schemes/loans/scholarships many of the ....
Centre will provide all type of able guidance to travel safely with in state and as well as Hajj pilgrimage. Also it will ....
During national calamilies, disasters, communal riols, our community suffers a lot. Government compensations will not reach ....
Waqf properties spread across country is a huge source of income for removing community's backwardness. But large scale ....
Founder President
Joint Treasurer
Team Member
Team Member
Team Member
Team Member
Team Member
Team Member
Team Member
Team Member
Team Member
Team Member